When you discard items you no longer want or need before a move it’s smart and can save time and money. When you make a household move, it can make a significant difference when you discard, sell, donate, or give away unnecessary possessions before you move. Whether you are downsizing living space – or simply want to pack fewer boxes – here are items that shouldn’t come along on moving day.
1. Old Clothing and Shoes
Many people tend to hold onto old or worn-out clothing and shoes for many reasons. They figure these items might come back into style, plan to wear them when they lose that last 15 pounds, or simply keep them for sentimental reasons. The reality is if you haven’t worn certain clothes or shoes in a previous couple of years, you aren’t likely to wear them again. Moving is a great time to break free from unused items to open up lots of closet and dresser space in your new home.
2. Food Items
Perishable food items are difficult to transport, and professional movers won’t move them, so plan to use them up or discard them before your move. Also, toss out expired food from the refrigerator and pantry. Food that is still good but has been taking up pantry space and not eaten (think of sale items bought in bulk!) you can donate to a local food bank.
3. Unused or Broken Toys and Games
Moving is a great time to clear out the kids’ space. Donate or give away old toys no longer played with and discard toys and games with broken or missing pieces. Surprise your kids. Have a couple of new “moving in” toys or games ready for them in their new bedroom or play space.
Pro Tip: Pick up a little extra cash by selling off game pieces on eBay to others wanting to complete their game sets.
4. Outdated Electronics
You will most likely never use outdated electronics again, and with few exceptions, they won’t retain any value. Recycle all those old phones, computers, laptops, and other bulky items that just take up space.
5. Books
Some books are timeless and meant for you to read over and over. Moving though is a good time to lighten the load of those books collecting dust. They are heavy to move and take up a lot of space. Donate them to local libraries, nursing homes, or children’s books, to schools and daycare centers.
6. Furniture
If your garage, attic, or basement is filled with furniture that you haven’t used in a while, it’s time to let go. Unless you’re moving to a larger home where you will use it, don’t bring it along just to be put back into storage.
7. Non-Essential Paperwork
Paper is heavy and bulky, and if you don’t need it, there is no good reason to bring it. Recycle paperwork that doesn’t have any personally identifiable information on it and shred anything no longer required that does.
An Efficient Move
Discarding possessions no longer useful saves money through lower transportation costs (fewer boxes and weight to move) and fewer packing materials. It saves time because you spend less time packing and unpacking. In the end, you’ll have the opportunity to start fresh in a new home. You won’t be weighed down with items that will just clutter up the new space.
Need help with an upcoming move? Contact us today to learn about the different moving services we offer.