To some degree, we are all creatures of habit who like being grounded in routine and familiar living spaces. The idea of moving into a new home feels disruptive because patterns change, and we are about to wake up in an unfamiliar place.
One of the best ways to minimize unsettled feelings is to maximize moving organization. These simple hacks can streamline the process and help you feel settled more quickly in your beautiful new home.
1: Start Your Move With A New-Home Walk Thru
Many people begin the moving process by boxing up home goods and waiting for the professionals to come and transport them. Some homeowners take at least the next step of labeling boxes. That process seems to make sense on the surface. But when you arrive with boxes that indicate the old home’s layout, unpacking becomes a hassle.
One trick that reduces unpacking time and helps establish new norms is walking through the destination home and mapping out where items will go. For example, you may be moving into a space that now has a breakfast bar or all-season room where you relax with your morning coffee. Being prepared to organize that space quickly will help you start your first day in the new home with comfort.
2: Consider Using Different Sized Boxes
It’s not unusual to get as many large, sturdy boxes as possible. The conventional wisdom revolves around reduced packing and unpacking time. Believe it or not, not all home goods are best transported in bulky boxes. Selecting the right size boxes for your items is essential.
Consider, for a moment, that you utilize a series of smaller boxes that store only silverware or only socks and undergarments. When it comes time to unpack, you won’t spend time bending over and rifling through big boxes. Smaller ones can be set right next to a drawer or held in one hand while you put the items in their proper place. It’s not always the size of the box that matters. It’s how you use it.
3: Don’t Pack Clutter, Eliminate It
A comedian once came up with a skit about how we buy bigger homes because we have too much “stuff.” There’s some truth to the fact that we all have an inner-hoarder that holds on to unnecessary clutter. Rather than spend time and money moving these items, consider holding a sale. You can make a little money, not have to box them up, and not have to unpack them later. In the end, you may let out a sigh of relief that your new living space isn’t just a big storage unit for too much stuff. Eliminating clutter is crucial.
4: Schedule Donation Pickups Long In Advance
One of the common misconceptions that everyday people make when planning a move is calling charitable organizations at the last minute. It would seem reasonable that giving away reasonably good furniture to help less fortunate community members would be quick and easy. You would think that these outfits would send someone right over to pick up free stuff.
Unfortunately, non-profits typically lack resources and volunteers to manage pickups. Organizations are often booked out at least a month in advance. If you want good families to benefit, it’s essential to make contact early and schedule a pickup date. Charitable giving sometimes requires long-term planning. The good news is that knowing you made a family’s living space more comfortable feels great.
Moving Right
Are you getting ready to move? Contact us for help! We can help complete your move hassle-free.